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Civil Society Bahamas (CSB) is embarking on a project to map the Civil Society Sector in 2019.  This will provide invaluable information on the size and strength of the sector.


CSB has been operating since 2005 without a clear idea of what organisations constitute Civil Society in The Bahamas.  The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Country Office spearheaded the funding of a small-scale grant to create a mapping of civil society in 2000 and the document ‘Mapping Civil Society in The Bahamas’ was prepared by local consultants in December 2000.

The objective of that exercise was to provide the IADB with timely and up-to-date information concerning the structure of civil society, the key actors in each of the major civil society areas, what their agendas are and how the Bank can best relate to these key civil society players in carrying out its mandate to foster the economic and social development of the Bahamas. The outcome was the development of a Civil Society Advisory Council, a systematic process of consultations with CSOs that still functions today.

map of the bahamas.gif


Report to Civil Society Meeting 30 Apr 2019

CSO Classifications for Mapping Exercise

Phase III UN Handbook Organizational Survey

Project Plan To Map The Civil Society

CSB Workshop 8 Mar 2019

Schedule of Incorporated NPOs Jul 2017

CSB Grant Proposal for Mapping Civil Society

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Tel: 242-807-9961


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P O Box P.O. Box N-1353, Nassau, New Providence, The Bahamas

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